Wednesday, 5 June 2013

4 is not a unlucky number

As a Chinese Singaporean, I grew up in a borderline superstitious family. Not because of certain numbers being unlucky to my Mom and Dad. But to my Christian relatives, they deemed Chinese mythological creatures, like the Dragon and Phoenix as evil creatures. And even though my father was a traditional business man, numbers, may it be lucky or unlucky, doesn't matter to him. Although the occasional "luck" does matters.

Hence I was amused when I read about an article of some Chinese residents trying to change their apartment or floor numbers from 4 to another number.  Is that possible??

Superstitious Chinese immigrants get the number 4 banned in Canadian town

The number 4 when spoken in Mandarin sounds like DIE (Si - 死), in Cantonese (Sie) and finally in Hokkien (Xi). Hence it is unpopular with the older Chinese folks.

Contrary to popular Chinese superstitious, the number 4 is not an unlucky number in Numerology. 

It is a number related to Loyalty, Organised, Stability, Practicality and Hardworking. The number 4 is also a builder number, that means, anyone with a 4 in their birthdate enjoys putting things together.

Therefore, I see that living in apartment 4 or floor number 4 as having a stable and secure home. However, the reason why the owner couldn't sell his apartment as fast as others, is that 4 can be very BORING. And having a double 4 that adds up to 8, means that the homeowner needs to work very hard to find a buyer. Plus, he is also pretty much a scrooge, and might have been picky with the offers given by previous buyers.

"Liu said that one homeowner failed to sell his house after 10 months because his address was 44, while others in the neighbourhood sold theirs quickly. - from"
Back to the Chinese popular belief that 8 is a wealthy number. It is also a number related to Finance and Higher Management in Numerology. But 8 is associated with being very busy and hard working. And anyone with alot of 8s in their birthdates is also very thrifty. This is why those rich folks who drives Mercedes with car plate number 8888, always ask for discounts and are penny pinchers.